
Preventing Falls After a Stroke With Physical Therapy

Preventing Falls After a Stroke With Physical Therapy

Preventing Falls After a Stroke With Physical Therapy

Have you noticed you don’t seem quite as steady on your feet since suffering from a stroke? Did you know that you can check your balance with a physical therapist specializing in treating neurological disorders? At Element Physical Therapy, our physical therapists are movement specialists and will help you figure out why your balance is off and, more importantly, how to get it back!

 According to the CDC, about one in four adults age 65 and older report falling yearly. If you or someone you love had a stroke, you don’t have to live with a balance or gait disorder. Even if you had a stroke years ago, you could be at risk of a fall, but you can also continually improve your balance and minimize your risk.

People who notice they feel imbalanced, dizzy, or unsteady may live with a balance or gait disorder. Although balance disorders often stem from other factors, the physical limitations after a stroke may be the root cause of your balance or gait troubles.

Fortunately, our physical therapists at Element Physical Therapy have the expertise to determine what is causing your limitations and how to resolve them!

If you have noticed issues with your balance, call today to request an appointment with one of our neurological physical therapists!

What is a stroke?

A stroke is a disease related to your circulation and affecting your brain (cerebrovascular disease). A stroke can affect different brain parts and occurs when the blood supply is disrupted, depriving our brains of oxygen and nutrients needed for normal function.

Often the first sign of a problem is the stroke itself, and the damage to the brain affects physical function. There are two main types of stroke:

  • Ischemic: This type of stroke occurs when a blockage in an artery prevents the normal flow of blood to different regions in the brain.
  • Hemorrhagic: This type of stroke occurs due to a bulging outwards of a blood vessel in the brain that eventually ruptures. This bulge is an aneurysm typically caused by a weakness in the blood vessel wall.

People with neurological conditions after a stroke can experience difficulties ranging from mild weakness to a significant disability. The range of impairment and dysfunction can also vary from mild balance disturbance to needing help to perform most everyday tasks safely.

The impact of a stroke will differ based on the severity and the location in the brain. Some people have complex disabilities, including cognitive, behavioral, and communication problems and physical deficits.

Fortunately, we highly experienced physical therapists at Element Physical Therapy in MT to maximize your recovery with early exercise and balance exercises.

What are the leading causes of falling after a stroke?

Falls are the leading cause of fatal and nonfatal injuries in older adults. The good news is that most falls can easily be prevented simply by regularly exercising your balance system.

The most common reasons for falls after a stroke include the following:

  • Dizziness or any disorders of the vestibular system
  • Muscle weakness
  • Impairments to your sense of position (proprioception) and your ability to keep yourself steady and balanced
  • Other long-term health conditions like heart disease, dementia, or disorders like Parkinson’s

The risk factors for falling related to a stroke can often be reduced or eliminated with physical therapy. For example, your therapists can help you identify hazards in your home that often contribute to a fall, such as:

  • Wet floors, such as in the kitchen or bathroom
  • Poor lighting 
  • Rugs or carpets are not properly secured
  • Reaching outside abilities, such as a cupboard or cabinet
  • Going down stairs without railings

If you or someone your love has recently sustained a stroke and are dealing with a balance-related issue, it is important to seek the help of our Element Physical Therapy physical therapists immediately to avoid additional problems. The good news is that you can prevent falls, and our therapists can show you how!

What to expect at your Element Physical Therapy sessions

When you arrive at Element Physical Therapy, your neurological specialist will conduct a comprehensive exam to gauge your condition’s nature and determine the best course of treatment for your needs.

We will start with a thorough history and physical examination, including testing your mobility, strength, and balance to identify all the factors contributing to your situation. In addition, we will include a review of your fall history and fear of falling, as well as identify any home hazards/environmental factors that may contribute to your fall risk.

Whatever the case, our treatment plans will contain targeted balance and coordination exercises and specific gait drills to ensure your safety and maximize your physical function!

Call today to schedule an appointment

If you are looking for proven strategies to reduce your risk of sustaining a balance-related fall, call us to schedule a consultation and get started today!


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